Now Offering Crypto Currency Brokerage

One of the greatest challenges to participating in the Crypto & Blockchain revolution is ACCESS. The #1 question we get asked by friends & clients alike who are looking to dabble in crypto currencies is: “How do I buy Bitcoin?” The market at this stage presents many hurdles to a new entrant such as security, transfer, purchase limits, withdrawal limits, privacy & many more bottlenecks
The greatest hurdle & what we believe is the primary factor driving the volatility in crypto markets, is the bottlenecks created by exchanges to get fiat currency ($USD, EUROS, GBP, YEN, YUAN, etc) in or out of the crypto market. It can take weeks or months to open a new account, get verified & ultimately make a purchase. Most exchanges and online wallets have very strict and very low limits on new accounts, not allowing you to buy more than $500 – $2,500 in a week or even month in most cases. This can be very frustrating and also cause tremendous opportunity cost as prices fluctuate quickly in this market
I need to discuss the domain I own!
Media Options is excited to announce that we have recently been approved for an enterprise / institutional trading account. We have essentially unlimited access to all of the top market cap crypto currencies and are now making that available to our domain name clients. For most transactions we will charge a flat 5% fee above the market spot price. Fees and pricing will be fully transparent. In addition, we now also accept Bitcoin & Ethereum as payment for both our own domain names as well as client names!
If you are interested purchasing Bitcoin, Ethereum or any of the other primary crypto currencies, please reach out to find out more on how we can help. We can only deal with existing clients who we have a prior relationship with (at this point). But contact us if you have any questions.
We believe that the intersection of crypto currency, block chain technology & domain names is one of the most exciting places to be in the World of technology today. Over the coming months we have many more exciting developments to share with you and the domain industry at large.
Welcome to the future, it has arrived.