Tools & Rules for Picking the Right Domain: Mashable & Moz Overlooked the Two Best

Mashable and have earned their status as excellent resources for entrepreneurs, startups, and SEO advice. Despite 12 rules and 18 resources, however, their recent articles advising startups on the domain naming process overlooked the two most vital options available today: aftermarket domains and a domain name broker like Media Options. Startups don’t always have huge budgets and VC backing.
Not everyone can spend a million dollars on a premium domain name. We get it. But, there’s a difference between buying a brand new domain name just because it’s available, and buying an existing domain with some value built into it. I suspect that Mashable & Moz had underlying assumptions that vintage domains would be too expensive and that their articles were intended to provide alternatives for those unable to afford the best choice.
However, it’s unfortunate they didn’t dig a little deeper, because times have changed and newer, better options for domain name acquisitions abound.
I need to discuss the domain I own!
When a domain is purchased “new,” it’s purchased straight from a domain name registrar like When a domain name is purchased from an existing owner, it’s purchased through an “aftermarket” which can include bulk websites like or boutique domain name brokerage services like Media Options.
While struggling startups may cut corners buying pre-owned office desks or refurbished computers, when it comes to domain names, vintage means value. Existing domains often offer an advantage with branding, consumer credibility, and SEO ranking, even helping keep SEO budget costs down.
Many of the best domain names are already registered, but that doesn’t mean acquisition is out of reach. Domain name investors may have their domains listed for sale at an aftermarket website like or on Go Daddy’s premium listing service.
The purchase can be just as seamless as buying a brand new domain name, clicking to buy and then seeing the domain appear in your account. Median domain name sales range from $500-$5,000, often very affordable even for the most strapped of startups.
A domain name broker also offers domain name options at various pricepoints. Domain brokers can search for an acquisition to fit a particular budget, or they often have lists of available domain names under brokerage. Media Options offers a newsletter with the latest domain names under inventory. (Sign up at In addition, a domain name broker can listen to a startup’s requests and offer suggestions within budget.
Brokers have the unique ability to negotiate acquisitions in terms beyond one-time payments. Startup branding is vital, but not always affordable at the moment of domain naming choice.
An experienced domain broker like Media Options can assist with payment options including financing, leasing, or even startup equity. Domain brokers are in the thick of the industry on a daily basis. Just like a real estate agent adds value to the process in bringing the newest options, best deals, and strongest negotiation skills, a domain name broker is the ultimate and affordable resource in giving your startup a solid foundation for its online presence.