How to Value a Generic Domain Name Methodology

I was recently interviewed by Michael Cyger, publisher at, about my methodology to value generic domain names. In this video interview, I run through not only my methodology, but also some examples of my brokered sales, some sales at auctions, and some sales that never materialized due to reserve pricing being set too high.
I need to discuss the domain I own!
If you’ve ever wondered why I accept certain domain names for my newsletter and not others, you should watch this video interview. If you’re thinking of selling a generic domain name, you should watch this video interview. When Michael asked me to do this interview, I thought twice about doing it. However, the future of the domain name industry is based on our ability to bring additional services into the industry, such as insurance, titles, initial public offerings or stock exchanges. These are the types of services that will increase the value of domain names by allowing financial institutions to lend money against domains, but banks can’t lend money against a domain name today because they don’t know how to value a domain name. Watch the interview (or download the MP3 to your iPod) or read the transcript. Then let me know in the comments what you do differently to value generic domain names.