Media Options CEO Does Interview with DomainSherpa: Domain Acquisitions for Startups

Our CEO, Andrew Rosener, participated in an in-depth interview with Michael Cyger of regarding the company naming and domain acquisition process for startups. It’s a great inside look at the factors involved in selecting a good domain name for your startup and what you need to take into consideration to make the best choice.
I need to discuss the domain I own!
In this day and age, the availability of a domain name that matches your brand name is absolutely critical to the success of your company, whether you are an established brand or a new startup. The domain name search, selection, and purchase process can seem intimidating and cause a great deal of frustration for small and medium sized companies and startups. Andrew’s interview does a great job of explaining how to make that process easier, as well as explaining our domain acquisition service which lets us do all the “heavy lifting” for our clients. Check out his interview and let us know what you think!